: Relief from Congestion Charges: Foreign Missions Act
:: Comments Invited on new FARA Regulations
:: No Immunity Despite Diplomatic Protocol
:: Embassy Construction Under Commercial Exception
The mission of the Embassy Law blog remains related to diplomatic and consular law as well as international organization law, with a focus on sovereignty and immunities, from a Washington, DC, practitioner's view.
Clemens Kochinke is a lawyer with Berliner, Corcoran & Rowe, LLP, a Washington, DC law firm with an eighty-year record of representing embassies, governments and their scientific and cultural institutions in immunity litigation, local hiring, property, IP and treaty matters.
The Embassy Law blog is unaffiliated and non-commercial. The firms of the authors are not involved in the publication. Opinions published here reflect no views except the writers'. Links exist for reference, not endorsement.